“Sen. Ted Cruz woke up Tuesday to find his name trending on Twitter – linked overnight to a certain video from the Milf Hunter series, perhaps unfairly, perhaps irrevocably.
The clip itself is just over two minutes, details of its contents mostly unprintable. It features a sectional sofa, the pornographic actress Cory Chase, her fictitious nude stepdaughter, and a very energetic young man.
But around midnight Eastern time, someone signed into the senator`s official Twitter account and clicked a little heart below the video – and thus did @tedcruz `like` porn.
By late morning, reporters were waiting outside the U.S. Capitol to question the flesh-and-blood Cruz about his online alias`s handiwork, which he disavowed.
`It was a staffing issue and it was inadvertent,` the senator said. `it was a mistake.`”
The Washington Post
Instead of manning up the “family values” politician threw a staffer under the bus. Cruz didn`t want to ruin his reputation of being a pro family values Christian.
How much of a prig is the junior senator from Texas?
When Cruz was the solicitor general of Texas he defended a Texas state law banning the sale of sex toys, arguing in a 2007 court brief that individuals have no legal right to use them, even in the privacy of their own bedrooms.
Like most moralistic politicians Cruz believes that the Federal government shouldn`t interfere in an individual`s personal life, except when it comes to sex.
The Texas law was unconstitutional and anti-women, since almost all sex toys are made for the enjoyment of women. Cruz couldn`t abide the thought that a woman could reach ecstasy without the help of a man.
Let`s stipulate that it wasn`t a staffer but Cruz himself who liked the porn clip. Since everybody hates Cruz, even his own family, (there are several videos on YouTube depicting his daughters turning away in disgust when he was trying to kiss them), I`m sure everybody will agree with my conclusion.
The pertinent question is why would Cruz like a porn video on his Twitter account knowing full well that the press would demand an explanation.
This is the likely scenario:
In the witching hour Cruz recites his nightly prayers, and then as is his custom, surfs the Internet for porn.
He finds the perfect video for his enjoyment: A buxom young lady comes home and finds her nude stepdaughter having sexual intercourse with a young man, and naturally secretly watches the action while masturbating.
In the throes of climax Cruz likes the video, the experience is so intense that he forgets that he liked the video, and doesn`t delete it until a few hours later.
Forgive me dear readers if you are throwing up at this point, but I am only fulfilling my journalistic duty by reporting the truth (as I see it).
While you are writing me a nasty email for leaving you with a scene that you will not soon forget, I will take a much needed shower.
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