According to the CBS/YouGov poll results evangelical primary voters who plan to vote for former President Donald Trump in 2024 find him to the most trustworthy, ahead of conservative pundits, religious leaders and even their own families and friends. Seven in ten respondents said they feel that what Trump tells them is true, but only four in ten religious leaders merit the same trust.
The results of this poll should surprise nobody, if Trump told his supporters to jump, they would instantly jump regardless if they were at the edge of a cliff, at the crater of a volcano, or at the shore of the lake of fire.
Of course, Trump cultists trust their orange messiah more than conservative media figures, religious leaders and even their own families and friends, they accept every obscenity, lie and absurdity that emanates from his sphincter-shaped mouth as the Gospel truth.
It doesn’t matter that Trump is a pathological liar who told over 30,000 documented lies during his chaotic and turbulent administration. White evangelicals believe that everything that Trump says is true, even if it contradicts the laws of physics and common sense, simply by virtue of the fact that it was uttered by their Savior. Their mantra is: if Trump says it, I believe it, and you can shove your facts up your ass.
Roman Catholics believe that whenever the Pope speaks on matters of faith and morals, he is infallible, but when he speaks on politics, current affairs or any other temporal subject he is susceptible to making mistakes.
White Evangelicals believe that whenever Trump speaks on any subject, whether it’s about religion, politics, sports or entertainment, he is infallible.
It’s foolish to argue with Trump sycophants, they shit on your truth, facts and empirical evidence and lavish praise on every piece of crap that their Dear Leader drops.
It makes no sense to appeal to their friends and family members to intervene and try to make Trump cultists see the truth that Trump is a steaming pile of dung.
It’s a mission impossible to hope that religious leaders will succeed in convincing Trump supporters that he is a false prophet. Trump voters are beyond salvation, they will follow their messiah in his crusade against the rule of law, and democracy itself.