“Vice President Mike Pence told Republican House members at a retreat in Baltimore on Friday that American Pharoah bit him so hard when he saw the 2015 Triple Crown winner that he nearly collapsed, according to a report by Lesley Clark of McClatchy’s DC Bureau.
Pence and Kentucky Rep. Andy Barr dropped by Ashford Stud in Versailles, Ky., on March 7, 2018, for a meet and greet with American Pharoah. During the visit, Pence – who referred to himself at Friday’s GOP gathering as a horse guy – said he held the horse briefly and American Pharoah bit me so hard on the arm, I almost collapsed.
‘I just gritted my teeth and smiled,’ Pence said, ‘because you know what? In our line of work, you’re going to get bit sometimes, but you keep fighting forward. And we did.'”
Paulick Report
Dermot Ryan, the manager of the stud farm seemed doubtful that American Pharaoh bit the vice president, describing the Triple Crown winner as a “sweet horse.”
Every politician worth his salt regales his audience with tall tales, witness Joe Biden’s epic story of his showdown with Corn Pop, the gangsta leader of the Romans.
I share Ryan’s skepticism, but horses are noble and intelligent creatures and they don’t suffer fools or politicians gladly. The race horse may very well have chomped on Pence’s arm.
Pence claims that he just gritted is teeth and smiled when the horse bit him, and doesn’t he have plenty of practice at gritting his teeth and smiling when he’s standing next to Trump as he utters sheer nonsense?
I just wish American Pharoah had chomped off his brown nose, and kicked him in the ass for good measure.
Read More: https://www.paulickreport.com/news/people/vice-grip-mike-pence-tells-unlikely-tale-of-being-bitten-by-american-pharoah/