During a recent virtual town hall on the Fox News network Trump claimed that “you’re going to have suicides by the thousands” if the economy doesn’t improve. Trump was trying to rationalize his desire to open the country for business as usual again on Easter by arguing that if he opens the country again on Easter thousands of elderly Americans will succumb to the coronavirus, but just as many will die via suicide if we keep the country under a lockdown and the economy continues its downward spiral.
What the stable genius fails to grasp is that ordinary Americans aren’t like billionaires, we don’t define our self-worth by the size of our savings accounts, many of us don’t even have a savings account.
Long before the coronavirus turned our world upside down, the working poor were already living paycheck to paycheck. Barely getting by is a way of life for us, and we aren’t going to commit suicide because the stock market crashes, we don’t even own any stock.
The poor are resilient, we graduated from the school of hard knocks and that’s prepared us for recessions and pandemics. We are too busy making ends meet to waste time contemplating suicide.
If we survived the Trump administration, we can survive the coronavirus pandemic, and the only light at the end of the tunnel for us is that Trump’s bumbling and stumbling response to the coronavirus will lead to his defeat in the general election.
Joe Biden may be as mentally impaired as Trump due to his advanced age, but he’s not a sociopath and things are bound to improve for all people, even the working poor, under his administration.