A comedy club is a consecrated temple where political-correctness is anathema, and the lingua franca is profanity, bringing people of disparate backgrounds together in an orgy of laughter.
Asswipes who are easily triggered have no business darkening the door of a comedy club, they dishonor the memory of giants like Lenny Bruce and Richard Pryor who have nurtured our souls with their socially-conscious obscene material.
Sacred cows are slaughtered on the stage, and racial epithets shower the audience, and audience members leaves the temple more enlightened human beings.
Never in the history of comedy has the audience broken out in a spontaneous chorus of Kumbaya or We Shall Overcome, a comedy club is a welcoming but tough place that the weak of mind and spirit should avoid like the plague.
A heckler interrupting a stand-up comic is par for the course, and the crowd never urges the comic to hug it out with the heckler. To the contrary, any comic worth his salt will rip the heckler a sparkling new a-hole.
Louis CK is a pervert and a sexual predator for whacking off in front of unsuspecting females, but he doesn`t break any laws with his profane and outrageous comedy riffs. So he made fun of the Parkland Shooting activists, cry me a fuc*en river, as I`ve previously mentioned there are no scared cows in the comedic realm.
However let me stress that what`s kosher in a comedy club is verboten in any other venue. Politicians for example may be clowns but they aren`t stand-up comics, and if they make a joke at the expense of a racial or religious minority, they should rightly be condemned.
A wholesome comic is an oxymoron, it`s impossible to be funny without being profane and politically-incorrect. With all due respect, screw politically-correct comics and the wankers who clamor for such toothless and spineless comedy.