Donald Trump & Puff Daddy Should be Cellmates

A federal indictment states that Sean Combs aka Puff Daddy is the architect and leader of a criminal enterprise engaged in arson, kidnapping forced labor, bribery, obstruction of justice and sex trafficking.

Comb’s freak off parties are legendary for their debauchery, and many celebrities including Ivanka Trump, Jay-Z, the Kardashians, Pharrell Williams, and evangelist T.D. Jakes participated in the degeneracy.  Was Jakes there to give the benediction to the freak off parties that included male sex workers, women who were intimidated or otherwise forced to perform sex acts, underage boys and hundreds of bottles of baby oil?

Combs is a monster who makes Harvey Weinstein look like a choirboy, and all his erstwhile friends and colleagues are distancing themselves from him.

Donald Trump who is a sexual deviant in the same league as Combs has the gall to try to link Combs with Kamala Harris. This is the same Trump who has been held liable for rape in a civil trial, who bragged about grabbing women by their genitals and who has credibly been accused by dozens of women of sexual misconduct.

Trump shared a meme on Truth Social:  a fake image depicting Harris posing next to Combs. “Madame Vice President”, the meme asks, “Have you ever been involved with or engaged in one of Puff Daddies Freak Offs?”

There is no indication that Harris ever met Combs, it is Trump who has been photographed with Combs at several events over the years.

Trump probably hasn’t attended any of Combs freak off parties, only because the racist sociopath wouldn’t feel comfortable at a sex party that featured dozens of black male prostitutes.

Trump was a close friend of Jeffrey Epstein, and he was a frequent visitor to Epstein’s private island where parties with underage girls were held.

Trump is a moral degenerate, and he deserves to be behind bars for the rest of his life with his buddy Combs.