Woman Who Got ‘Trump’ Tattoo on Forehead Now Wants to Remove it

Rain Monroe, 21, is the type of woman Trump would love to grab by her pussy, she is young, beautiful, blond, and dumb evidenced by the fact that she tattooed “Trump” in bold letters on her forehead.

Trump properties have his name on their signage. He considers women his property and if he could get away with it, he would force Melania, his trophy wife, to tattoo his name on her forehead.

Monroe achieved her 15 minutes of fame by tattooing the disgraced ex-president’s name on her forehead, but now she is sick of the backlash and tired of being a subject of ridicule.

Monroe, a social media influencer (of course) is using her Instagram account to beg for money to remove her offensive tattoo.

Bitch, please! Nobody forced you to deface your beautiful face; you made your bed, now lie in it. Do not expect your Instagram followers to pay for your stupidity.

Trump is a serial sexual predator, found guilty of rape in a civil trial. Monroe should make amends by breaking open her own back account to pay for her tattoo to be removed, and by condemning the misogynist Trump and supporting Kamala Harris.