Mike Pence Blasted by Evangelicals for Calling Pope ‘Holy Father’

“One of my greatest honors as Vice President was the hour I spent with Pope Francis at the Vatican in January 2020. @KarenPence and I join Catholics around the world Praying for this humble and godly man. God Bless the Holy Father.”

Mike Pence

On January 6, 2021, Mike Pence honored his oath to the Constitution over loyalty to his Orange Messiah and refused his decree not to certify the results of the election.

That was an unforgivable sin in the MAGA evangelical faith, and Pence has been anathema to them ever since, and he will never be welcomed back to the fold. Evangelicals have rewritten the Gospel of Matthew to read: “Every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven, but blasphemy against Donald Trump will not be forgiven.”

Pence’s innocuous tweet should not have ruffled any feathers, especially when you consider that his former boss publishes inflammatory posts on Truth Social almost every hour.

But Pence’s inoffensive post prompted MAGA cultists to accuse him of affirming Roman Catholicism despite being an outspoken Evangelical Protestant. In the diplomatic realm it is customary to refer to the Pope as “Holy Father, it simply means you respect his role as leader of the Vatican.

Pence has the temerity to call the Pope “Holy Father” and evangelicals are ready to burn him at the stake as a heretic, but their Dear Leader can do everything but shit on the Bible and tell the Holy Ghost to piss off and all you hear is crickets.

Pope Francis: ‘Homosexuality is Not a Crime’

Pope Francis

“Being homosexual is not a sin.”

Pope Francis uttered these monumental words during an interview with the Associated Press. As the leader of one billion Catholics worldwide the pontiff’s words carry a lot of weight.

I hope Catholic bishops are paying close attention to the words of their Pope; Catholic bishops in some parts of the world support laws that criminalize homosexuality or discriminate against the LGBTQ community. In some countries homosexuality is a crime punishable by death, but even where the draconian laws are not enforced, they contribute to harassment, stigmatization and violence against gays and lesbians.

I applaud the divine declaration of the Pope, but he needs to go further and declare that homosexuality is not a sin. As a religious leader he needs to speak plainly using religious words that resonate with Catholics.

And then he needs to go a step further and teach that homosexuality is a blessing, a manifestation of romantic love that’s just as life-affirming as heterosexual love.

Finally, the Pope must make an official proclamation, speaking “ex cathedra”, and make it clear once and for all that gays and lesbians are part of God’s family and must be accepted as equals in all layers of society, including the Catholic church. 

The Pope is infallible when he speaks “ex cathedra”, so this would end the debate within Catholicism, and any Catholic who discriminated against the LGBT community from that point on would be considered a heretic.