“Ingrid Seyer-Ochi, a Francisco high school teacher wrote an op-ed claiming Sen. Bernie Sanders ‘manifests privilege’ for wearing his meme-evoking inauguration outfit.
‘I puzzled and fumed as an individual as I strove to be my best possible teacher. What did I see? What did I think my students should see?’ Seyer-Ochi wrote.
‘A wealthy, incredibly well-educated and -privileged white man, showing up for perhaps the most important ritual of the decade, in a puffy jacket and huge mittens.’
Seyer-Ochi said in the op-ed that many people without privilege would not be able to dress like Sanders did on such an occasion.
The New York Post
The Bernie Sanders meme of the century isn’t a Rorschach test where academics see a symbol of white privilege, progressives see a liberal iconoclast, misanthropes see an old man who doesn’t have any fucks left to give, and others simply see a man comfortable in his own skin taking common sense precautions against the frigid weather.
The meme of Sanders wearing a parka and huge ass mittens was universally loved by almost everyone, Republicans, Democrats, Independents and even anarchists. Everyone concurred that Sanders was a world-class pimp; the Democratic Socialist from Vermont did more to unite America than any politician in history.
Yes, it’s true that “poor, or working class, or female, or struggling-to-be-taken seriously folk wouldn’t show up at the inauguration dressed like Bernie”, as Seyer-Ochi asserts, but she should lighten the hell up and just enjoy the image of Bernie keeping it pimp-real like the rest of America.