Nancy Pelosi isn`t a physically imposing figure, the septuagenarian is of small stature, and she speaks in a trembling hoarse whisper. If she didn`t have to worry about how the public perceives her, she would probably dye her hair blue and use a walker to get around.
But looks can be deceiving, when Pelosi speaks people listen. The Speaker of the House has an ironclad control of her caucus, and any Democratic representative who doesn`t bend to her wishes will find himself or herself broken in pieces.
For the first two years of his administration Trump didn`t face any resistance to his controversial policies or racist comments from the Republican Speaker of the House. Paul Ryan was focused on passing tax reform legislation that benefited the wealthy and screwed the poor, and as long as Trump was onboard with his singular goal he overlooked his myriad moral failings.
Apparently Trump didn`t get the memo that the new sheriff has a spine of steel, and she`s going to fight him tooth and nail. Pelosi has questioned Trump`s manhood, called out his lies to his face, and banned him from delivering the State of the Union Speech in Congress until he ends his shutdown.
Trump needs to get it through his thick head that he`s met his match, and he would be well-advised to treat Pelosi as an equal. Pelosi isn`t going to give in to Trump`s temper tantrums, he needs to give up his pipe dream of building a wall and end his shutdown.