I’ve been posting essays online since 1998, I’ve written thousands of articles, and I’ve come up with some inventive phrases that are the envy of my fellow bloggers. (or so I imagine)
But Rep. Jasmine Crockett’s eviscerating of Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG) by dismissing her as “BleachBlondBadBuiltButchBody entails a presence of mind and mastery of the English language that I simply don’t possess. And to think that she came up with this alliterative coup de grace off the cuff, just boggles my mind.
I rarely praise ad hominin attacks but Crockett’s verbal takedown of MTG was richly deserved considering that personal slander is the Georgia congresswoman’s modus operandi. This is not a case of both sides are wrong, MTG was the first to resort to personal attacks by making fun of Crockett’s fake eyelashes. Frankly, it was about time that somebody gave MTG a taste of her own medicine.
#BleachBlondeBadBuiltButchBody was the perfect insult to lob against a profane anti-LGBT legislator, but I need to stress that I intend no disrespect to the many beautiful #BleachBlondGoodBuiltButchBody queer women.
Forevermore whenever MTG opens her mouth we will think: Oh shut up you #BleachBlondeBadBuiltButchBody!