A Clean Litter Box Makes for a Happy Kitty

“According to The Humane Society of the United States, the general rule of thumb for optimal litter box hygiene is that you clean it about twice per week. Like most general rules of thumb, though, there`s room for variation here. Your particular needs might differ based on how many cats you have, how many litter boxes you have (if you have multiple cats), and what kind of litter you use in them.”


Cats spend most of their time sleeping, and it seems they spend most of their waking hours causing mischief and grooming themselves. Felines operate under the belief that cleanliness is next to godliness, and they clean their entire furry bodies, from their ears to their nether regions.

It shouldn`t come as any surprise that kitties expect their litter boxes to be kept clean. Even people who are complete slobs are irritated when nature calls, and they discover that their spouse didn`t flush the toilet, and there`s a disgusting log floating in the toilet bowl. So you can imagine how mad finicky cats are when their lazy master doesn`t clean the litter box on a regular basis.

The good folks at the Humane Society must be high on catnip, your cats are going to be pissed if you only clean the litter box twice per week.

I have two furballs, one of them tips the scales at 25 pounds, and believe me he craps like it`s going out of style. I clean my litter boxes at least once, sometimes twice per day.

A clean litter box makes for a happy kitty.

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