“Evangelical women have long attended church at higher rates than evangelical men. But today that gap is narrowing, not because more men are coming but because more women are leaving. Such women are increasingly likely to ‘deconstruct’ their faith or identify as ‘nones’—a rising population of the religiously disaffiliated.”
It’s easy to convince the LGBTQ community that they are not welcome in the evangelical movement. While society at large, and even most conservatives, accept marriage equality and the intrinsic value of gays and lesbians, homophobia still runs rampant in evangelical churches and colleges.
It’s only self-hatred and an irrational fear of damnation that keeps closeted gays in evangelical churches while their pastors demonize homosexuality from the pulpit.
It’s easy to convince the Latino community that they are not welcome in the evangelical churches. The mainline Protestant churches and the Catholic Church have outreaches to immigrants, and they are in the frontline of the battle for racial equality. Racism runs deep in evangelical circles, and most evangelicals believe in the Republican heresy that our country is being invaded by rapists, gang bangers, and other criminals from Mexico and Central America.
It’s only a deep desire to assimilate that makes immigrants remain in evangelical churches where their culture isn’t appreciated or valued.
It’s easy to convince African Americans that they are not welcome in predominantly white evangelical congregations. Trumpism, the new religion of white evangelicals, is synonymous with racism. Evangelicals have demonized the BLM movement and civil rights organizations.
Only Uncle Toms remain in evangelical churches, when they know damn well that most of their brethren hope and pray that heaven will be segregated.
But it’s more difficult to convince women to leave the toxic environment of evangelical churches. The fair sex is welcomed in evangelical churches, as long as they realize that according to the Bible, they should be subservient to men, especially their husbands and religious leaders.
I urge women to join Latinos, African Americans, and the LGBT community in leaving the undemocratic and unchristian evangelical movement.