Cats Love Playing Hide and Seek

Cats have a penchant for disappearing and then magically reappearing, unfazed by the havoc they`ve caused.

I have a tiny house and you`d think my 25-pound cat, Tico, would be unable to hide from me for more than a few seconds. But on more than a dozen occasions I`ve torn apart my house looking for the obese feline, and only when I`m exhausted from my search will Tico emerge from God knows where.

I don`t know where my cats disappear when I can`t find them, perhaps they can slide in and out of alternate universes, or maybe the mysterious creatures have the ability of becoming invisible when they want some privacy.

This essay is a warning for new cat owners, if you can`t find your furry critter, hold off on posting a missing cat message on Facebook. Stop looking for the mischievous kitty, plop down on the sofa and watch TV, and I guarantee he will emerge out of the void.

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