Trump`s mantra and rallying cry during the 2016 presidential campaign was “I will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it.” It was a perfect metaphor and slogan designed to appeal to Trump`s racist white evangelical base.
Trump`s mythical wall crystalized the xenophobia, racism and bigotry of his base into a tangible and concrete object. When his supporters chant “Build the Wall” they are thinking to themselves: Deport those wetbacks! Stop spics and niggers from invading our homeland!
Trump`s base doesn`t know geopolitics from a prayer cloth, and they assumed that it would be a piece of cake for their Messiah to hoodwink the Mexican president into paying from his damn wall.
In 1626, a Dutch trader, Peter Minuit, purchased the island of Manhattan for the equivalent of $24 worth of beads and trinkets, so why couldn`t the art of the deal businessman con the ignorant Mexicans into paying for his vanity project?
It`s now become obvious to even the most deluded Trump supporters that Mexico isn`t paying for the damn wall, but such is their hatred of everyone who isn`t white that they will gladly pay for the abomination with their taxes.
Trump himself has become the manifestation of the wall, his supporters perceive him as a bulwark against godless abortionists, activist liberal judges, disease-ridden criminal immigrants, feminists and secular scientists.
To quote Martin Luther King Jr, “Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” The MAGA crowd is terrified of this universal march toward justice where white people will no longer be at the top of the pecking order, and they see Trump as their last Great White Hope.
Fortunately, Trump and his sycophants are fighting a losing battle against demographics, democracy, and the innate desire of people for justice and liberty.
The wall will never be built, but every day that Trump remains in power he erodes our constitutional democracy, he must be impeached and removed from power now rather than later.