America is still nominally a Christian nation, but the future is secular and based on science and algorithms, and the advent of Artificial Intelligence will eclipse faith in deities based on holy books.
But Christian beliefs and rituals still permeate our culture, and there in no nation on Earth where Christianity is more accepted and welcomed than America.
During the holiday season you can`t turn on the TV or radio, pick up a magazine or click on a Web site without being bombarded with a chorus of “Merry Christmas” and other tidings of religious expression.
But evangelicals, perhaps because they see secularism and other faiths gaining ground, claim that there`s a war on Christmas. The claim is preposterous and it requires a giant leap of faith and a keg of beer to believe and promulgate the conspiracy theory.
Donald Trump will do anything to cater to his evangelical base that elected him president, and therefore he has fashioned himself as the leading protector of Christmas.
Franklin Graham says that President Trump`s encouragement of Americans to publicly celebrate Christmas has emboldened people to fight back when the holiday is censored.
“When the president takes a stand like saying `Merry Christmas,` this emboldens others to take a stand just like the president`s… to fight back.”
Trump is a cross between the Grinch, Ebenezer Scrooge and Baby Huey, and the spectacle of the president as a crusader for Christmas makes me want to vomit.
Trump, Graham and white evangelicals can stuff their phony war on Christmas up their nether regions.
This white evangelical-hating liberal has no problem saying “Merry Christmas.” I wish all of my readers, of all religious persuasions, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.