On Monday night, before Tuesday night’s presidential debate Donald Trump prayed, via telephone call, with hundreds of his evangelical supporters. This mockery of prayer was sponsored by the “National Faith Advisory Board,” an organization headed by prosperity gospel evangelist Paula-White-Cain, whose main purpose is to stroke his ego, or to put it more crassly, to fluff his mushroom-shaped tiny pecker.
White-Cain prayed that the Holy Spirit would speak through the former president during Tuesday night’s debate because, just like King David in the Old Testament, Trump was the Lord’s anointed.
Call me a cynic but I seriously doubt that a divine spirit would speak through such a craven, amoral sociopath, with delusions of becoming America’s first dictator.
But maybe I’m wrong, perhaps the Holy Ghost deigned to speak through the sphincter-shaped mouth of the orange obscenity. After all, according to the Old Testament Jehovah spoke through Balaam’s donkey.
Was it the Holy Spirit speaking through the steaming pile of human shit known as Donald Trump when he dehumanized Haitian immigrants by spreading the racist rumor that in Springfield, Ohio they are stealing and eating dogs and cats?
Or maybe it was when Trump blatantly lied and said that Democrats are in favor of abortion until nine months, and even after birth. That is of course a ridiculous lie, infanticide is illegal in every state.
Almost every incoherent statement that emanated from Trump’s mouth was a craven lie, and anybody who thinks that he is God’s spoken is full of crap.