“I think that… a portal, a demonic portal, opened above the White House around the time that the Bidens moved in. This was brought to my attention by a Christian who lives in north Florida who sent me a bunch of documents and also a bunch of notations from the Bible about portals.”
Roger Stone
There’s a right-wing news and entertainment ecosystem of fringe cable news outlets like Newsmax, online news organizations like OAN, and a plethora of web sites where weird conspiracy theories are par for the course.
Stone uttered this insane statement on the Eric Metaxas Radio Show, a prime example of this conservative media cesspool.
If an evangelical, from Florida no less, sent me a bunch of documents and a bunch of biblical verses purporting to be evidence that there is a demonic portal over the White House, I would immediately dispatch the documents in the garbage.
Evangelicals who believe in the Rapture, the Big Lie and in a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles that run the world, don’t have credibility when it comes to religion, politics or anything else.
Stone said he was initially skeptical but was convinced of the reality of the demonic portal when he discovered a live cam where you can actually see it in real time.
There might have been a demonic portal over the White House during the previous administration, how else can you explain the torrent of lies, the endless scandals and the sheer perversity that emanated from the White House during Trump’s tenure.
Stone complained that the mainstream media isn’t covering the demonic portal. Don’t worry Stone, perhaps Elon Musk will do a Twitter files dump on the demonic portal as soon as he is finished chewing on the Hunter Biden nothing burger.