“It becomes increasingly evident, with Trump’s every social media post, public utterance and policy directive, that our president suffers from a severe form of mental illness. His insanity threatens millions of lives, and has become particularly dangerous during the most devastating public health crisis in the last 100 years.
For all the criticism that Democrats and pundits advance against Trump, their refusal to state the obvious forces the American public to feel as if we are the ones confined to a mental institution. It also emboldens Trump, even as he prioritizes his fragile ego, his compulsion to appear infallible and political expediency above the lives of countless human beings.”
Donald Trump is mentally ill. Most Americans would readily agree that the man is off his rocker and needs to be committed.
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist or a shrink to discern that Trump is bat shit crazy. Trump exposes his insanity with every toxic tweet, incoherent coronavirus press briefing and rambling statement.
Only white evangelicals who have an unstable relationship with reality themselves, believe that the stable genius is not only sane but anointed by God to make America Great Again.
When an evangelical living in a trailer park believes that if he uses his only credit card that’s not been maxed out to send a donation to his favorite televangelist so that God will lift him out of poverty, you can understand why these fundamentalists believe Trump when he makes the crazy promise to build a wall from sea to sea on our southern border and that Mexico will pay for it.
Democratic leaders don’t demur to call Trump a liar or even a fascist but they are reluctant to state the obvious, that he’s mentally unfit. Dems are stung by their failure to impeach and remove Trump from office; therefore, they balk at saying that he should be removed from office via the 25th Amendment. I’m still waiting for a Chuck Schumer or a Joe Biden to declare that the stable genius should be immediately removed via the 25th Amendment and committed to an insane asylum or thrown in a military prison.
The truth is that Democrats aren’t going to say that Trump is freaking nuts and needs to be removed from office via the 25th Amendment. I only hope and pray that America will survive the coronavirus pandemic with a madman at the helm until Biden win the election and assumes office.
April 2020 Archives Page 2: