Tiny Pooch Sitting on Driver’s Lap Howls His Fool Head Off to the Music

This video uploaded by Weekly Standard reporter Haley Byrd makes up for all the conservative propaganda published by the aforementioned magazine.

The tiny pooch is zipped inside the reporter`s hoodie, and he`s howling along to a string quartet cover of a U2 song.

Unlike Byrd I`m a real man and I don`t ride with a lap dog, my German Shepherd/Pit Bull mix, Mandy, often rides shotgun with me as we cruise the highways and byways.

We listen to classic rock like Creedence Clearwater Revival or the Rolling Stones as we run our errands, and Mandy often demonstrates her approval of my tunes by barking in delight.

Although Byrd`s dog is cute as heck as he howls with his little head sticking out of the hoodie, riding with a dog on your lap is dangerous for the canine as well as the driver, and not to mention other drivers sharing the road with them.

Link to video:


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