‘Christ is King’ is a Chant Used to Troll Jews

Crucifixion, as practiced by the Romans, was an extremely painful way to die, it was meant to inflict maximum shame and humiliation. The crucified Jesus Christ is almost always depicted wearing a loin cloth, but Romans typically crucified victims in the nude. This was intended to degrade and dehumanize the condemned, and to serve as a warning of the fate lying in wait for Jews who opposed Roman occupation.

According to the Bible the cross had a label affixed to it. Above Jesus’ head were the words, “Jesus of Nazareth, the king of the Jews” written it Aramaic, Greek, and Latin. Pontius Pilate, the Roman prosecuting governor, wanted everyone to understand why Jesus was crucified. The label was not intended to honor Jesus, but to ridicule him, in essence Pilate was saying, “this is the King of the Jews, his body mutilated, naked, and left to rot on the cross of shame.”

Millenia later the slogan, “Christ is King” is still used to troll and ridicule Jews. The anti-Semitic motto is ubiquitous in MAGA rallies and meetings of White supremacists. It is spouted by racists who make a mockery of the teachings of Jesus.

“Christ is King” is not a jubilant expression of the sovereignty of Jesus, but a taunt expressing belief that our democracy should be overturned in favor of a white Christian nationalism led by the racist-in-chief, Donald Trump

The catchphrase “Christ is King” is anathema to everyone who cherishes our secular democracy, be they Christians, Jews, Muslims or atheists.