Adorable Cats Ring Bell to Order Food: Video

“Two hungry cats gorged themselves on snacks by ringing a pair of call bells to have their owner produce treats. The cats tapped their paws on the button to produce a ringing sound and quickly devoured the treats placed in front of them.”


You`ve heard of “Pavlov`s dogs,” Pavlov had his canines well-trained to respond to stimuli.

These cats have their owners/servants well-trained to reward them with treats when they ring a bell.

My cats don`t ring a bell when they are hungry, they wake me up by walking on my face when it`s time for their breakfast. My pooch gives them a wide berth when they want to nibble on her food before they devour their own.

This video really rings my bell, I could watch it all day long.

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Bone Bone: Latest Adorable Kitty to Go Viral

“If you`ve been skulking around the strange bits of the internet recently, you,ve probably seen him: a giant, fluffy cat wearing a backpack and clinging to his owner.

Assorted excellent people on the internet have tracked down this cat and discovered his name is P`Bone. He also goes by Bone Bone, and is a fluffy cat living in Thailand.”


This kitty doesn`t need any accessories to accentuate his adorableness, he`s irresistible by virtue of the fact that he`s a fat fluffy cat.

This feline is so cool that the backpack doesn`t rob him of his dignity. I would never put a sweater on my cats or make them wear backpacks.

But I am dying of curiosity, what would a cat put in his backpack?

Dead mice to snack on.

Crunched up sheets of paper.

Kitty litter, emergency bathroom.

Shampoo and conditioner, he`s so freaking fluffy.

Smartphone, so he can communicate with his millions of online fans.

What do you think he has in his backpack, let me know!

Pics of the adorable fur ball:

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Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Adorable Kitten Stuck in Bag: Video

“An adorable kitten who became over-excited at his owner`s birthday party was caught on camera SWAN DIVING into a slim gift bag in a bid to retrieve a toy – only to become stuck.”

Daily Mail

Cats are cool characters, you could be suffering a massive heart attack, and they would barely glance in your direction, while they continue to groom themselves.

But even the coolest cat will go bonkers when he sees a bag or a box, and a bag doesn`t need to have a toy or a treat inside to entice a feline to dive into it.

This adorable kitten looks anything but cool stuck inside a gift bag, my cats have been in this predicament dozens of times. Be careful not to leave any plastic bags lying around, your fluffy friend can easily suffocate in a plastic bag.

There are many bag-loving kittens waiting for a forever home in your local animal shelter.

Link to video:

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Why Your Cat Doesn’t Like to be Picked Up


I adore my cat Tico and I express my love by petting and kissing him, and lavishing him with treats and toys. One thing I never do is pick him up and cuddle him; I would strain my back if i picked up my 25-pound tubby. But there are other reasons why I never pick up my giant ball of fur.

Cats are predators and they tend to perch on top of the kitchen counter, refrigerator or a dresser so they can survey their territory. But a cat is a proud creature and he doesn`t feel like a regal lion when he attains a high vantage point because his clueless owner picks him up, restrains him and calls him a cute pussy.

Any feline worth his salt will squirm, scratch, and make noises that don`t resemble purring when his owner picks him up. Don`t disrespect your cat by carrying him, allow him to jump on your lap if he so desires.

A cat isn`t a stuffed animal, he`s a little person, and if you respect his independent spirit he will reward you with a lifetime of companionship and affection.

Notice the way cats interact with each other, they approach each other gingerly: Licking, rubbing and sniffing each other. I`m not suggesting that you lick, rub or sniff you kitty, I`m merely pointing out that being picked up is an affront to a feline`s tender sensibilities.

This essay is for persons who have recently adopted a cat, longtime cat owners know very well that their pets don`t like to be picked up.

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