“Donald Trump is a raging racist, Okay? He’s a complete and thoroughgoing racist. And he made that choice, a choice a long time ago, when he was engaged in the housing business in New York with his father,”
GOP challenger Bill Weld
Former Massachusetts governor Bill Weld uttered these words at the NAACP convention in Detroit. He was preaching to the choir, but Republicans need to be reminded by a fellow Republican that their standard bearer is a racist.
Weld didn’t mince words, he labeled Trump a “raging racist” which is good use of alliteration and the Gospel truth. If Weld does nothing else than constantly refer to Trump as a racist, he’s performing a vital role. There are hundreds of GOP leaders making excuses for Trump’s blatant racism, it’s inspiring that the President’s only Republican opponent so far in the 2020 election recognizes him as a bigot.
Weld has little name recognition, he’s primarily known as the vice presidential nominee on the Libertarian Party in 2016. His vice presidential run with New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson at the head of the ticket ended in abject failure, but even if he doesn’t win any primaries this time around he will have performed an invaluable service simply by reminding voters, especially Republicans, that Trump is a racist.
Weld is a staunch critic of Trump telling CNN’s Jake Tapper on “The Lead” in April that it would be a “political tragedy” and he would “fear for the Republic” if the country had six more years of Trump as president. Weld is just a thorn on Trump’s side, but if a Republican with more name recognition and gravitas challenged Trump, like John Kasic, Jeff Flake or Ben Sasse, they might deliver a meaningful blow and weaken him in the general election against the eventual Democratic nominee.
“If Donald Trump is an American patriot, he should resign from office,” Weld wrote in an op-ed published online in April. Trump isn’t a patriot and he isn’t going to resign from office, and since Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi isn’t gong to impeach Trump, the only way we’re going to get rid of him is if Democrats and Republicans who honor country over party, remind the electorate that Trump is a raging racist.