“President Donald Trump ordered the creation of Space Command on Tuesday, a move the administration is labeling a precursor to creating a US Space Force.
`I direct the establishment, consistent with United States law, of United States Space Command as a functional Unified Combatant Command,` Trump said in an executive memorandum to Secretary of Defense James Mattis. `I also direct the Secretary of Defense to recommend officers for my nomination and Senate confirmation as Commander and Deputy Commander of the new United States Space Command.`”
Cadet Bone Spurs aka Stable Genius aka Commander-in-chief Donald Trump directed Secretary of Defense James Mattis to establish a Space Command.
Before joining the administration General “Mad Dog” Mattis would have scoffed at the notion of a Space Force, but the neutered lap dog will proclaim that it`s the greatest invention since the Boy Scouts.
Mattis will provide Trump with nominations for the commander and deputy commander of Space Command, we will soon find out which military leaders he hates the most.
Vice President Mike Pence, speaking at Cape Canaveral Tuesday, praised the creation of the new sixth branch of the armed forces, the US Space Force. Pence is such a lackey of the president, that I wouldn`t be surprised if he volunteers to be a space cadet. Pence`s undying loyalty is to Jesus, Mother and Trump, not necessarily in that order.
Nobody in Trump`s administration, especially Mattis and Pence, has the courage to tell the Emperor that he`s not wearing any clothes, naturally nobody will tell him that his Space Force is Looney Tunes.
I might volunteer to be a space cadet if I can do basic training on Mars, where I will be far away from the moron in the White House.