South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott is the quintessential Uncle Tom; he has the requisite ingratiating smile, the automatic deference to any white person in his vicinity and a subservient demeanor.
He is every prominent Republican’s best black friend; they can’t get enough of his coonery and buffoonery. Of course, he’s anathema to Democrats who don’t expect blacks who belong to their party to be emasculated.
I think it’s a safe bet to assume that Scott is not a fan of hip hop, I can see him tap dancing to old timey Negro spirituals. He probably has to constantly remind himself to refer to African Americans as people of color and not colored people.
Scott proved his Uncle Tom bona fides during the Trump administration by standing by him during photo ops, and looking at his master with pride and reverence.
Scott is the GOP’s perfect black candidate, so why is he stuck in single digits in the polls? I think it’s because Republicans assume that the 57-year-old bachelor is as gay as all get-out. They may vote for a black man who knows his place, but not for a candidate who is black and gay.
Scott said last weekend that he is “dating a lovely Christian girl,” as he addressed a large group of influential voters of faith in Iowa, where evangelicals dominate the GOP base.
Bitch, please! Why hasn’t this “lovely Christian girl” campaigned with him? Never mind “where’s Waldo?”, where the hell is this lovely Christian girl?
Scott needs to take pride in his black heritage, and stop shucking and jiving to please the white GOP electorate. He should sashay out of the closet and live his best gay life.