Quack Dr. Oz Urges Fraud Trump to Lose Weight

“At an event this week, Mr. Trump spoke to an indoor venue and noted that Dr Oz had urged him to lose weight in order to enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

Can you believe I weigh 208?’ Trump said. ‘Now maybe a little more’.

Dr Oz has said you should lose weight. I told him, ‘I don’t have time to lose weight.’’


Donald Trump spoke about weighty matters to his adoring crowd, posing the question “Can you believe I weigh 208?” It was a rhetorical question because his supporters believe every bit of nonsense that emanates from his sphincter-shaped mouth.

In a regular crowd somebody would have yelled out: You crazy fat pig, you must tip the scales at over 300 pounds. If you believe Trump weighs only 208 pounds, I have a Bible that’s blessed by the pope and signed by Jesus Christ to sell you.

Trump claims he doesn’t have time to lose weight. Yeah right, now that he’s been banned from Twitter and is no longer president, he has time to hit the gym and lose some of that blubber.

Dr. Oz is infamous for peddling miracle weight loss products, if Trump takes advice from that quack, he’s going to gain weight.