“Last week, meteorologist Rebecca Schuld gave viewers in Milwaukee an adorable surprise when her 13-week-old baby Fiona made a special appearance during the weather forecast.
‘She’s prepared. She’s got one of her good thick blankies here for that cold weather that’s coming up tonight,’ Schuld said during the forecast, which was streamed live from her home basement due to COVID protocols.”
Rebecca Schuld’s publicity stunt wasn’t adorable it was an inexcusable breach of protocol, and she should have been summarily fired by the station’s management.
It didn’t quite reach the level of CNN chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin masturbating while on a Zoom call with colleagues from the New Yorker, but showing off your damn baby while on the clock and in front of thousands of viewers is almost as indulgent as pleasuring yourself in public view.
At this time of the year, I watch the local weather forecast to find out if it’s going to rain or snow, and I will tolerate no interlopers, not even a damn 13-week-old infant.
Schuld is a symbol of the sickness of over-sharing that permeates social media. I don’t want to see Schuld’s cat, brat or tats, I just want to see her reading the weather forecast.