The older you get the more your circle of friends and family shrinks, until you have more memories than loved ones. This Thanksgiving Day I don’t have a long list of people that I’m grateful for, but I am thankful for these three special souls every day of the year.
I am thankful for my pooch Princess, and yes, she’s a person. There isn’t a human alive who will love you unconditionally, even the love of your life will sometimes resent you because of your annoying tics, bad habits and serious shortcomings.
But a dog will love you forever, and Princess will always consider me a prince worthy of love, devotion and loyalty even though I resemble a rouge more than royalty. Princess is always happy to see me, and she always greets me with a wagging tail and smiling eyes. Even now as I’m writing this essay, she’s looking at me with curiosity, everything that I do fascinates her.
I love all of my siblings, but I am especially grateful for my sister Jackie. Whenever we chat or text, whether the conversation is trivial or serious, I always feel better afterwards. I don’t have to walk on eggshells or pretend to be someone that I’m not, we’re on the same wavelength. I’m sad that I won’t spend this Thanksgiving with her, but I’m happy she’s coming to visit me in December.
The third person I’m grateful for is the Queen of Christmas, Mariah Carey. For me there aren’t 12 days of Christmas, but 55, I start playing the Queen’s Christmas songs on November 1. The Christmas Diva’s vocal register can only be matched by the angelic choir. As far as I’m concerned, every Nativity scene should include Mariah Carey welcoming the Baby Jesus to this sinful world with her heavenly voice. It may be Thanksgiving, but it’s not too early to meditate on Christmas. All I want for Christmas is Mariah Carey on my stereo.