The miraculous elevation of virtually unknown Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La to Speaker of the House has put his extremist views under the spotlight. His ultra-right voting record wasn’t vetted, examined or criticized until after his election.
It’s only now that most people, even people who follow politics closely, are realizing that the politician second in line to the presidency is a MAGA religious fanatic who is virulently anti-abortion, stridently anti-LGBTQ and a fundamentalist who believes in a literal interpretation of the myths, allegories and fantasies of the Old Testament. This mild-mannered gentleman was the chief architect of the nefarious plan to overturn the 2020 presidential election.
This MAGA extremist has until now remained under the radar because he looks like an accountant or a middle school teacher, unlike fellow radical conservatives like Jim Jordan, Andy Biggs and Steve Scalise who look reptilian and are physically repulsive.
Whereas Jordan, Biggs, Scalise et al shout and scream, Johnson delivers his noxious rhetoric in the measured tones of a Sunday School teacher.
Already Republicans are coming to his defense with the ridiculous claim that the media are exaggerating or misrepresenting his voting record. It’s all fake news, nothing to see here, just another conservative Republican vilified by the media and the so-called deep state.
Don’t be fooled by Johnson’s easy-going manner and polite demeanor, If Trump wins the election, and Johnson remains as Speaker of the House, this evil duo will turn our democracy into a White Christian Nationalist theocracy.