Since being elected Speaker of the House we’ve become aware of how much of an evangelical nutcase Mike Johnson is, but the latest revelation just boggles the mind.
The expose, via Rolling Stone magazine, is that of at least last year Johnson and his then 17-year-old son monitored each other’s online porn activity in an effort to ensure neither was giving in to temptation.
Johnson bragged about using “Covenant Eyes”, the Christian-created software that is supposed to stop anyone who subscribes to if from browsing porn web sites or looking at questionable images.
WTF? I know evangelicals engage in many creepy behaviors, but this takes the cake. Since time immemorial teenagers have sought to satisfy their curiosity about sex by getting their hands on any sexual matter: Playboy and Penthouse magazines in the 60’s and 70’s, hardcore online sex videos in the digital age.
From tablets to laptops to cell phones, the average teen owns several digital devices that they can use to access the internet, including porn sites. A horny teenager can circumvent Covenant Eyes, or any other software designed to monitor online porn activity.
Johnson’s teen son may allow his dad to install Covenant Eyes on his primary laptop, and he won’t even try to disable it or render it useless, because he can always enjoy porn on his other devices.
A normal dad would tell his young son: I know you’re looking at porn, the temptation is just too great for a normal teen with raging hormones. The human body is beautiful, but just remember that most porn dehumanizes, objectifies and debases women by reducing them to body orifices.
Only an evangelical freak who is afraid of human sexuality would coerce his son to install Covenant Eyes on his computer so they can monitor each other’s porn activity.
WWJD? Jesus would tell Mike Johnson: Listen, you wanker! Stop bringing ridicule to the religion that bears my name! Keep your weird religious practices to yourself!