Kamala Harris Will Have the Last Laugh

Vice President Kamala Harris has an impressive political resume, and she is policy oriented in her stump speeches. She has made abortion central to her candidacy for president as Republicans struggle to defend their archaic views on the issue.

Republicans have not focused on her solid qualifications or her well-articulated policies as much as they have zeroed in on her laughter. Granted Harris has a distinctive laugh that can more accurately be described as a cackle, but it is a joke that her joyful persona is attacked and ridiculed.

Black women cannot express any emotion without being ridiculed by racist conservatives. When Black women, especially politicians like Michelle Obama, speak out against the injustices and obstacles that African Americans face, they are labeled “angry Black women.”

When Harris cackles as an expression of her joy or amusement she is demonized and mocked for her merriment. Republicans do not want black women to express any emotion, they would prefer them to remain silent and compliant.

How can any woman of color, especially a politician, remain silent in the face of institutionalized racism, police brutality against Black people, and the GOP platform that would take us back to the 1950’s?

Donald Trump has christened Harris with a new nickname, “laughing Kamala.” “You can tell a lot by a laugh,” said the sociopath who never laughs. “She’s crazy, she’s nuts.”

There is nothing new under the sun, women who laughed too much in the 19th century were diagnosed with hysteria.

America needs less of Trump’s venom and vile and more of Harris’ laughter and good cheer.

Get used to Kamala’s cackle you racist idiots, Kamala will have the last laugh when she wins this November.