Our president is a flaming racist. He’s a piece of shit. He says piece-of-shit shit all the time. That’s what he does. We need to get him out of office. We need to focus on making all of our communities better instead of talking shit about communities just because you’re a racist prick.
John Legend
The “All of Me” singer uttered these words when asked to comment of Trump’s racist and demeaning tweet about Rep. Elijah Cummings and the city that he represents, Baltimore.
When the president of the United States calls a predominantly black city “a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess, and claims that “no human would want to live there”, there’s only one way a patriot can respond to such a racist diatribe, with sheer disgust and outrage.
Legend is spot on, nothing but excrement emanates from the racist-in-chief’s sphincter-shaped mouth, and his little fingers type nothing but crap on Twitter. You can’t expect a steaming pile of feces to permeate a room with a fragrant scent, when you stumble on such an abomination, you’re going to utter an expletive, hold your nose and quickly walk away.
To his credit, the R & B legend reevaluated his words in a Twitter Post: “I want to apologize for calling POTUS a POS this week. I was mistaken. At least excrement has a useful biological function.”
Indeed! Excrement has a useful biological function, whereas the piece of shit in the White House has no socially redeeming value. Trump will only have a useful function if when he dies, his corpse is put through a meat grinder, and used as fertilizer.