Jack White Speaks Out Against Celebs Who Normalize Disgusting Fascist, Donald Trump

“Jack White, the musician, 48, took to Instagram on Monday to share photographs of various public figures including Joe Rogan, Mel Gibson, Mark Wahlberg and Guy Fieri, all of whom he criticized for appearing at events and venues where Trump was also present.

Anybody who ‘normalizes’ or treats this disgusting fascist, racist, con man, disgusting piece of (expletive) Trump with any level of respect is ALSO disgusting in my book,’ White wrote. ‘That’s you Joe Rogan, you Mel Gibson, you Mark Wahlberg, you Guy Fieri. This is a statement from me, not a discussion/debate.’”

USA Today

Jack White is spot-on, shame on these celebrities for appearing at sporting events with Donald Trump. If these celebs see Trump at a public event, they shouldn’t pay homage to him by shaking his hands, making small talk or posing for photographs.

By engaging in such despicable behavior, they are signaling to their fans that Donald Trump is a normal politician, instead of a once-in-a lifetime aberration, a Hitler or Stalin figure who will be despised for generations to come.

Would they take selfies with a pimp, convicted pedophile or famous mafioso if they ran into them at a public event? Trump is a thousand times worse than a gangster, pimp or pedophile, he’s a disgusting fascist, a lifelong racist, a serial sexual predator, a grifter, and a general all-around asshole.

If a celebrity or a regular person sees Trump at a public event it’s incumbent upon them to register their disapproval by flipping him the bird, making the sign of the cross or cursing him out.

You don’t normalize a steaming pile of shit like Trump, you give the abomination a wide berth.