Goose the Captain Marvel Cat is the Real Superhero

Superhero Kitty

“The official Captain Marvel character posters dropped on Wednesday, Jan. 16, and the gang was all there: Larson`s Captain Marvel, Jude Law`s Starforce Leader, Annette Bening`s mystery character, Gemma Chan`s Minn-Erva, and of course, Goose, whose poster really is purr-fection. The orange tabby is full-on mugging for the camera because he`s a professional. Seriously, Olivia the dog, eat your heart out.

Twitter`s real takeaway from this poster, though, was that this cat means business and might be the key to saving the Avengers. “The attention Marvel has been giving to this cat,” Twitter user @asshryver_ wrote, “leads me to believe that Goose the cat will defeat Thanos.”


Superhero movies are to cinema what paint-by-numbers paintings are to art. The only superhero flick I liked was Guardians of the Galaxy 2, and only because of the adorable Baby Groot.

I know zilch about Captain Marvel or the DC Comics universe, but if Goose the Cat is in the latest Captain Marvel movie, I will watch it when it opens in March of this year.

I don`t know if Goose has any superhero powers, but he has charisma up the wazoo. Only Halle Barry as Catwoman can match his animal magnetism!

The Goose Poster is purr-fection!