“President Trump was chosen by God to run for the White House, My Pillow founder Mike Lindell said on the opening day of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in suburban D.C.
Mr. Lindell, a 57-year-old businessman who advertises heavily on conservative outlets, repeatedly claimed during his nine-minute speech Thursday that Mr. Trump was picked by a higher power to seek the presidency.
`I see Donald Trump coming down an escalator and announcing he is running for president. For me it was a divine and miraculous moment – I felt something miraculous was about to unfold.`
`God answered our prayers, our millions of prayer, and gave us grace and a miracle happened on November 8, 2016,` Mr. Lindell said. `We were given a second chance and time granted to get our country back on track with our conservative values and getting people saved in Jesus` name.`”
Washington Times
Mike Lindell is the founder and CEO of My Pillow, Inc. a pillow manufacturing company. A pillow is a pillow is a pillow, but Lindell has managed to sell over 30 million pillows by convincing shmucks that his pillows have a patented design that will cure insomnia and make you sleep like a baby.
It`s no accident that Lindell runs his commercials primarily on Fox News, he rightly figures that people who believe the alternate facts on the conservative news network will swallow his lies that his pillows possess magical properties that will instantly lull you into a deep sleep.
These days Lindell is almost as well known for praising Trump as he is for extolling the virtues of his pillows.
Lindell said that when Trump came down the escalator to announce he was running for president, he knew that something miraculous was about to unfold. Some miracle, Trump branded Mexican immigrants as rapists and criminals.
After two years of corruption, racism, xenophobia, homophobia and deceit that is rampant in the Trump administration, Lindell`s adoration of the president hasn`t diminished.
At this year`s CPAC convention Lindell praised Trump to the high heavens, illustrating the fact that regardless what obscenity Trump commits he won`t lose the support of white evangelicals.
I wonder how white evangelicals sleep at night resting their empty heads on their My Pillows, while their Messiah is leading our democracy to ruin and damnation.
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