“Anytime you hear a Democrat saying that you can have good Boarder Security without a Wall, write them off as just another politician following the party line. Time for us to save billions of dollars a year and have, at the same time, far greater safety and control.”
Donald Trump Tweet
Donald Trump`s Twitter feed gives us a glimpse into his psyche, he tweets about what keeps him awake at night. The only thing that would devastate him more than the wall not being built would be if a terrorist attack brought down Trump Tower.
The wall is a macho thing for the stable genius, to compensate for his tiny hands he desperately wants to build a high wall between the United States and Mexico to protect his white base from unwashed brown migrants.
Trump is so desperate and eager to share his toxic thoughts on social media that he doesn`t bother asking one of his aides to check his messages for typos or grammatical mistakes.
This tweet isn`t the smocking gun that proves that Trump is a fuc*ing moron, there have been literally hundreds that expose his stupidity, vulgarity and evil nature.
It`s just another in a string of tweets that illustrates why we must get rid of the idiot by any means necessary.
All Americans, including boarders, will rest easy only when Trump is convicting for his myriad crimes and is incarcerated in a federal prison with high walls.