Donald Trump: ‘I’m Not a Christian’

If you told a rational and normal person that Donald Trump is not a Christian, he would most likely respond: No shit! You do not have to be a rocket scientist or a theologian to deduce that a pathological liar, serial adulterer, sexual predator, convicted fraudster, blatant racist and wannabe dictator is not a Christian. In fact, if a Democrat presidential nominee possessed all of these grievous traits evangelicals would think he was the antichrist.

Not only do evangelicals think Trump is a Christian, but they worship him as messiah, accepting every obscenity, lie and absurdity that emanates from his sphincter-shaped mouth as the Gospel truth.

Evangelicals accept Trump as one of their own even though he almost never attends church, and he has never claimed to be born again or an evangelical.

At the Turning Point Believers’ Summit in West Palm Beach made the following statement to raucous applause.

“I love you, my Christians, I’m not Christian. Get out and vote. Just this time. You’ll never have to do it again. We will have it fixed.”

This is one of the rare times when Trump spoke the truth. He loves evangelicals the same way that a con artist loves marks. How can the golden calf not love the cash cow?

Whether unintentionally or not, Trump finally admitted that he’s not a Christian. Evangelicals are so used to applauding any nonsense that their orange messiah utters that it’s not surprising that they clapped when he admitted that he’s not a Christian.

Trump told his evangelical audience that if they vote for him, they will never have to vote again. Trump has already said that he will be a dictator from day one, and if he returns to power, he will turn our democracy into a white Christian nationalist dictatorship, and there will be no more elections.

Trump told the evangelicals at the Believers’ Summit exactly who he is, but they are so brainwashed that they will still vote for him.