“A large group of conservative donors and scholars were shocked last weekend after a friendly exchange between Vice President Mike Pence and Dick Cheney, the former vice president, turned tense.
Cheney, a fierce defender of the foreign policy of President George W. Bush, politely questioned the approach of Pence`s boss, President Donald Trump, on foreign policy and national security.”
Actually by most accounts the “friendly exchange” was more like a grilling, Cheney accused the Trump administration of treating American foreign policy like a “New York real estate deal,” and he demanded answers from the hapless Pence.
The current vice president is normally mild-mannered and even-tempered but he`s a loyal lieutenant and he vociferously defends his boss`s contradictory and irrational domestic and foreign policies.
Most Republican leaders are too afraid to confront Trump, so they take out their frustrations on Pence, they rightly deduce that a milquetoast whose nose is perpetually brown is just going to stand there like a mannequin and take it.
I rarely find common ground with Darth Vader, but Cheney is spot-on: Trump treats foreign policy like a “New York real estate deal.”
When deciding what action to take in hot spots around the globe the stable genius doesn`t take geopolitical concerns or our democratic values into consideration, he merely does a cost-benefit analysis.
Take Syria for example, Trump wanted to remove our troops from the god-forsaken country immediately and precipitously as a cost-saving measure. He didn`t consult with our allies, and he was willing to leave the Kurds to the tender mercies of the brutal Turkish army.
Nobody treats Pence with the deference due a vice president, and he`s in for at least two more years of Cheney-like attacks.
But reaming Pence is as challenging as taking candy from a baby. I wish Republican politicians would grow some gonads, and attack Trump directly for destroying their party and doing indelible harm to our democracy.
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