It seems that in a nanosecond we went from the dreams of Obama’s post-racial America to the dystopian nightmare of Trump’s White Nationalist administration. Hope and change have devolved into despair and the same old bigotry, and people of color have never felt so disenfranchised in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Trump’s cancerous racism has metastasized and consumed not only his administration, but the entire Republican Party. For the sake of deregulation, conservative judges and tax cuts for the wealthy, Republican leaders turn a blind eye to the the racist rhetoric and policies of the Trump administration. The GOP may have attained these short-term victories, but their cynicism and complicity in Trump’s racism spells doom for the long-term future of their party. Demographics and the moral arc of the universe that bends towards justice ensures that the GOP is destined to become irrelevant in the near future.
The Trump administration, whether it survives for four years or eight, is racism’s last hurrah. Future generations won’t comprehend why we didn’t impeach a president who called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals, African nations shithole countries, and mocked predominantly black cities as rat-infested hellholes.
One day when I wake up and our long national nightmare is finally over, I won’t have any regrets or feelings of guilt. In the last three years I have written hundreds of essays exposing the racism, bigotry, and corruption of the Trump administration. What about you my friend?