“Abortion is a lie that Satan sells to women. He sells it to ’em. When Satan sells a sin, it’s not loud. It’s whispered, softly and gently into your ears and into your soul.”
Marjorie Taylor Greene
“Satan” trended on Twitter over the weekend, thanks to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s absurd statement. I’m not surprised that such a manifestly evil person has inspired the world to talk about Satan.
Like most evangelicals Marjorie Taylor Greene has a persecution complex, she’s always complaining how much she’s persecuted for her faith. But she has no qualms about demonizing Catholicism, claiming that the Roman Catholic Church is controlled by Satan.
If Greene spent more time meditating on the love, mercy and forgiveness of Jesus Christ and less time obsessing on Satan, she wouldn’t be such a heartless and judgmental monster.
Evangelicals believe that life begins at conception and aborted fetuses go straight to heaven. Aborted fetuses bypass the transformation into babies, avoid the pains and travails of going through puberty, escape the angst of middle age, and dodge the humiliations of old age and go straight to paradise. If evangelicals really believed this bullshit, they would be on a mission from God to protect Roe v Wade, and Greene would thank the devil for seducing women to have abortions.
Invoking the name of God and blaming the devil never solves any problems. Let’s address issues like abortion by skipping the God talk and irrational fear of the devil, and instead relying on our common sense, empirical evidence, science and rationality.