“The Bible, especially the King James Version, is great literature, a moral authority for a troubled world, and evangelicals consider is the inerrant Word of God.
Anybody who`s read the Bible will concur that it`s a literary masterpiece, and most Westerners will agree that it provides solid moral guidance, but most people don`t believe that it`s the literal Word of God because they are outraged that evangelicals have used scripture to justify racial segregation, misogyny and even slavery.
There are certain go-to Biblical verses that preachers spouted- the curse of Ham or the mark of Cain – to rationalize white superiority and even the slavery of blacks. Even today, especially in the South, evangelicals still use scripture to justify racial segregation.
It`s not the KKK member in full regalia that`s the greatest threat to our democracy, it`s the evangelical brandishing a Bible. Trump, a brazen unapologetic racist, has the support of thousands of KKK members and Nazis, but it`s the millions of evangelicals who put him in the White House.
The Trump administration is infested with evangelicals who hold views that are antithetical to a secular democracy. These evangelicals in Trump`s cabinet feel emboldened to proudly proclaim their homophobic, racist and misogynist views.
Take Karen Pence for example, she teaches at a Christian school that discriminates against gays and lesbians. Pence wraps herself in the Bible to defend her anti-gay views, and her teaching position in a virulently anti-gay school.
True Christians must reclaim their religion from the likes of Karen Pence; Jesus Christ the manifestation end embodiment of the Word of God preached tolerance, equality and peace, and he never uttered a single word against homosexuality.
II Timothy 2:5
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Biblical verses, taken out of context, can be used to justify everything from genocide to homophobia to the inferiority of women to slavery.
Religion shouldn`t be exempt from criticism and even ridicule, it`s incumbent upon Christians and non-Christians alike to criticize the white evangelicals who are making a mockery of Christianity and democracy.