Trump is the Antithesis of a Macho Man

The evangelical movement is a patriarchy, and male leaders thunder a machismo Gospel of American Exceptionalism from the pulpits and females meekly give assent with bowed heads from their cushioned pews. The fair sex keeps quiet in the churches but are permitted to exclaim the Lord’s name or their husband’s name in the bedroom in the throes of climax, but not loud enough to awaken their innocent children.

Trump’s moral degeneracy, cognitive decline and physical deterioration are emblematic of a weak and pitiful man. Trump’s sphincter-shaped mouth, pot belly, triple chin, doll hands, and puny mushroom-shaped penis, is a far cry from the masculine ideal or the Macho Man praised by the Village People.

But evangelicals are enthralled by their larger-than-life Messiah, they consider him the epitome of virility and masculinity. They reason that if King Solomon had seven hundred wives, and three hundred concubines, their hero is entitled to have affairs with porn stars and trysts with Russian hookers specializing in golden showers.

Evangelicals consider Trump a real man, because he asserts power and dominance over liberals, RINO’s, and especially over progressive women of color. In their brainwashed minds, he is a Superhero who will destroy their enemies by any means necessary and will usher in a thousand-year White Christian Reich.

Trump is a wimp, and his followers are weak-willed morons who will crawl back into their holes when we defeat their messiah for the final time this November.

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