Trump’s Deplorable Martin Luther King Jr. Day Tweet

It was exactly three years ago today, January 20, 2017, that I was sworn into office. So appropriate that today is also MLK jr DAY. African-American Unemployment is the LOWEST in the history of our Country, by far. Also, best Poverty, Youth, and Employment numbers, ever. Great!

Donald Trump tweet

From the day he descended the Trump Towers escalator to deliver an anti-immigrant and anti-Mexican diatribe to announce his candidacy for the 2016 election, to his divisive and racist comments in the aftermath of the Charlottesville riots, to his remarks today commemorating Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Trump has rarely missed a day to utter a blatantly racist comment.  

In fact, for his entire adult life Trump’s words and actions expose him as a racist, witness the Justice Department suing him in the 70’s for housing discrimination, his call for the innocent Central Park Five to get the death penalty and his Twitter feuds with almost every black celebrity.

Given Trump’s racist streak I am not surprised that his racism surfaced once again on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. First of all, it’s an outrage for the most racist president in recent history to compare himself to a civil rights icon, and it’s an affront to decency, history and righteousness that he tweeted his accomplishments instead of celebrating the life of Martin Luther King Jr.

I have studied the history of civil rights and the career of Martin Luther King Jr, and Trump is no King. He is nothing but an ignorant, vulgar, know-nothing buffoon racist.

Racist Donald Trump Has the Gall to Visit Martin Luther King Jr. Monument

Racist Moron

“Trump laid a wreath Monday morning at the foot of the memorial alongside Vice President Mike Pence before quickly returning to his motorcade.

“It`s a great day. A beautiful day. Thank you for being here. Appreciate it,” Trump told reporters as he stood before the large statue of King.

The President`s visit to the memorial site — which is overseen by the National Park Service — came on the 31st day of the government shutdown, which has left the National Park Service unfunded.”


Donald Trump and Mike Pence stood before the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial for about two minutes before making their getaway on the presidential motorcade.

Had Trump made a visit to a Confederate memorial he would have stayed there at least two hours because no doubt he would have been surrounded by very fine people.

The stable genius also left quickly out of resentment that there will never be a Trump monument in the National Mall.

The trip was unannounced because had people known that the brazen racist had the gall to attend the monument of the civil rights leader, he would have been meet with furious protesters.

I won`t even address the issue of Pence comparing Trump to King, that makes my blood boil.

Hope I hope and pray that Trump will be impeached and removed from office before we celebrate Martin Luther King`s holiday again.

Read More:

Donald Trump and Melania Trump Are an Affront to the Memory of Martin Luther King Jr.

Legislation was signed in 1983 creating a federal holiday marking the birthday of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Taking place each year on the third Monday in January, the MLK Day of Service is observed as a national day of service in honor of the tireless crusader for peace and justice.

Unfortunately, very few people who aren`t federal employees actually get the day off, but we should still honor the memory of MLK by serving others after we get off from work.

Donald Trump, the President of the United States, didn`t set an example for the people that he serves by helping build a house for Habitat for Humanity or by serving meals in a food kitchen, he was too busy playing golf with his millionaire pals.

Melania Trump on Monday sent out a tweet acknowledging Martin Luther King Jr.`s lifetime of service, but nobody was buying it.

Today we honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. & his service to this great country. I am honored to be First Lady of a nation that continually strives for equality & justice for all. #MLKDay

The nation may strive to create a more perfect union, but her husband`s racist rhetoric and policies are setting back our democracy decades.

If Melania really wanted to honor the memory of MLK she would poison her hubby`s covfefe.

I`d better forget the execrable Trumps if only for this holiday, so I will be in the proper state of mind to celebrate the birth of Martin Luther King, Jr.

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