Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) is a QAnon believer and an evangelical Christian, both are pathologies that should render her unqualified to serve in Congress.
On Monday the most infamous conspiracy theorist in Congress called vaccine passports “Biden’s Mark of the Beast” during a Facebook livestream.
“Is this something like Biden’s Mark of the Beast because that is really disturbing and not good,” the Georgia representative said.
Rational people aren’t familiar with evangelical end times eschatology, and they don’t realize that evangelicals are terrifying of being forced by the government to receive the mark of the beast. The mark symbolizes allegiance with the beast and the Antichrist and opposition to the God of the Bible.
You and I may laugh off Green’s ignorance, but evangelicals are terrified that the godless liberal Biden will force them to receive Satan’s mark if they are vaccinated.
The so-called vaccine passport will allow you to do things like travel or go to concerts and sporting events, it doesn’t mean that you are in league with the Antichrist.
Boys and girls, please don’t listen to religious kooks like Greene, listen to the scientists and physicians, and for the love of God get vaccinated against COVID-19.