Tony Evans Resigns from Church after 48 Years Over ‘Sin’ He Committed Years Ago

“When we fall short of that standard due to sin, we are required to repent and restore our relationship with God. A number of years ago, I fell short of that standard. I am, therefore, required to apply the same biblical standard of repentance and restoration to myself that I have applied to others.”

Dr. Tony Evans

After 48 years of preaching, evangelical pastor Dr. Tony Evans is calling it quits at his church because of a “sin” he committed years ago.

Rev. Evans is an African American evangelical minister, and like most Black evangelicals he does not indulge in any of the most reprehensible sins of white evangelicals: the demonization of immigrants, the deification of Donald Trump, the dissemination of false conspiracy theories. the degradation of women and the denouncement of pro-lifers.

Unlike most white evangelical leaders who admit to their followers that they have sinned, Evans did not indulge in any histrionics, he did not weep uncontrollably and plead with the Almighty to forgive him like a Jimmy Swaggart.

He simply released a statement to his congregation saying he was stepping down, without providing any lurid details of his transgression.

He emphasized that he did not commit any crime, but he did not use “righteous judgment” in his actions.

I take Evans at his word that he did not commit any crimes, therefore I really do not care what sins he committed.

This is a textbook example of how a minister should act when he sins: admit your sin, and accept there will be consequences for your misdeeds, hopefully culminating in resignation.

Although, I do wonder why he is just now resigning over a sin that he committed years ago.