“A disturbing new video shows Rochester police laughing at a naked and cuffed black man with a mesh bag over his head — before shoving his face into the ground until he stops breathing.
The 41-year-old Daniel Prude was left brain dead and died a week later, reports say.
The medical examiner ruled his death a homicide, caused by ‘complications of asphyxia in the setting of physical restraint, excited delirium [and] acute phencyclidine [PCP] intoxication,’ according to RochesterFirst.com.”
The New York Post
The most disturbing and terrifying horror flicks aren’t produced by Hollywood, but by police body cams and civilians capturing the murderous behavior of police officers.
You can now add #DanielPrude to the endless hashtags of black men killed by cops for the crime of being black.
The police weren’t summoned because Prude was engaging in criminal behavior, his brother called 911 because he was having a mental health episode.
Prude was running in the streets buck naked, obviously the cops knew he wasn’t hiding a weapon and didn’t pose a serious threat to them.
When Prude spit at them, one of the cops put a white hood over his head to protect them from being spit on. Is anyone surprised that the racist cops had a white hood in their cruiser?
The heartless cops shoved his face into the ground until he stopped breathing. The cops’ bodycams didn’t capture them expressing any concern for Prude, to the contrary the audio captured them laughing at his distress.
The autopsy report ruled Prude’s death a homicide, caused by complications of asphyxia in the setting of a physical restraint.” The report further sites excited delirium and acute intoxication by the drug PCP as contributing factors.
In other words, just another cold-blooded execution of a black citizen by police officers who are supposed to serve and protect us, all of us. When will this insanity end?