Joe Biden isn’t a coward and we won’t see him cowering in the White House bunker if there are protests on Pennsylvania Ave, but he has been conducting his presidential campaign from his basement.
To a certain extent Biden’s basement strategy is born out of necessity, at 77 he is a prime target for the coronavirus. If he wins, he just might conduct must of his business from the White House bunker instead of the Oval Office, not out of cowardice but to protect him from the coronavirus.
But the unrest over the murder of George Floyd has forced the former vice president to take a slightly larger profile over the past week. Biden’s empathetic visit with Floyd’s grieving relatives stands in stark contrast to Trump invoking Floyd’s name while taking an economy victory lap.
But let’s not forget Biden’s now-infamous “you ain’t black” gaffe in an interview with Charlemagne tha God. Whenever Biden opens his mouth there’s a forty percent chance, he will forget what he was planning to say, and a forty percent chance he’ll put his foot in his mouth. There’s only a ten percent chance that Biden will benefit by opening his yap.
Trump has been shooting himself in the foot over the coronavirus pandemic and the civil unrest over the cold-blooded murder of George Floyd. Trump famously boasted that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes, but his penchant for shooting himself in the foot is finally causing him to lose support.
Maybe Biden should stick to his basement strategy and just enjoy Trump self-destruct, and only make an appearance occasionally to prove he’s still alive.