The National Review is a far-right editorial magazine, featuring commentary pieces on politics, current events and cultural affairs. The magazine was founded by conservative icon William F. Buckly Jr. in 1955, and its current editor-in-chief is Rich Lowry.
Recently, Lowry was interviewed by conservative podcast host Megyn Kelly about the “Haitians eating dogs and cats” controversy. It’s no surprise that instead of debunking the ludicrous and racist rumor, Lowry argued that there were legitimate grounds for believing the reports of Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio stealing and eating cats.
During the interview Lowry stated:
“Police have gone through 11 months of calls and only found 2 Springfield residents calling to complain about Haitian Ni*gers…uh..migrants taking geese from ponds.”
Lowry’s Freudian slip revealed that racism is behind the dehumanizing rumor that Haitian immigrants are abducting and eating household pets. Lowry and his ilk would never have accused Scandinavian immigrants of stealing and eating cats and dogs.
Lowry did not apologize after blurting the N-Word, his facile smile never left his face as he quickly corrected himself and said, “uh migrants.” And Kelly didn’t bother to apologize to her audience for her guest using the ugliest word in the English language.
Lowry, Kelly and MAGA cultists take their cues for their Dear Leader, and they amplify Trump’s racism. They are so blatantly racist, that they no longer deem it necessary to apologize after inadvertently uttering the N-Word.
If the racist-in-chief returns to the White House expect for it to become a regular occurrence for Haitian immigrants to be accused of eating pets, Mexican immigrants accused of raping women and Muslim immigrants accused of being terrorists.