“To help stem the coronavius pandemic, Greenhouse of Walled Lake is offering free pre-rolled joints to anyone who gets the Covid-19 vaccine.
‘We’re all stressed out, but the vaccine is hopefully what’s going to finally end this pandemic, and we just want to reward people who are going ahead of the curve to get the vaccine,; Greenhouse owner Jerry Millen told CNN. ‘If I can help stop the pandemic in any slightest way, and this is the way I can do it, so be it.’
The ‘Pot for Shots’ promotion is a joint effort with UBaked Cannabis Company, which is providing the pre-rolls. It started on Friday and runs through February.”
Once a country reaches a point of collective immunity where a virus is no longer likely to spread, it reaches the herd immunity threshold. The estimate for COVID-19 is that about 80% of the population will need to be vaccinated to reach this threshold.
Vaccine hesitancy is a real problem, many Americans are hesitant to be vaccinated against the coronavirus because it’s a novel vaccine and they are worried about unforeseen long-term side effects and complications. Then there are the anti-vaxxers who disagree with the use of any vaccine for a variety of reasons, and let’s not forget the conspiracy theorists who believe the coronavirus pandemic was a cover for a plan to implant trackable microchips inside vaccines.
I applaud any company or organization that seeks to incentivize people to be vaccinated against the raging pandemic, and the “Pot for Shots” promotion is high on my list of effective motivational schemes.
How can anyone say “NO” to a free pre-rolled joint as an incentive to be vaccinated? The operative word being “pre-rolled”, it’s so difficult to properly roll a joint that there’s thousands of articles online and hundreds of YouTube tutorials on how to properly roll a joint. Watch a few tutorials, and you will soon be rolling a joint with the smoothness and artistry of Snoop Dogg. And speaking of the Doggfather the free joints weren’t rolled by him, so don’t expect to receive a fat ass blunt.
A joint is the perfect prescription for the soreness in the arm that some people experience after receiving an injection. Smoke some weed and you won’t even care if one of the long-term complications is that your manhood will eventually wither and fall off.
Pot for Shots? Hell Yeah!