“Gunmaker Daniel Defense posted online an advertising photo of a toddler holding one of its AR-15-style rifles just days before one of its firearms was used in the elementary school shooting in Uvalde, Tex.
The photo shows a young boy holding the rifle on his lap, along with the caption: ‘Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.’”
Washington Post
The Daniel Defense tweet is meant to strike a chord with evangelicals, the caption is taken from Proverbs 22:6. The evangelicals love for God and guns begs the question: If they trust the Almighty to be their protector why do they feel the need to tote assault rifles?
The advertisement includes an emoji of two hands held together in prayer. Most appropriate because religion and violence go hand-in-hand.
A giant dildo shaped like an armor-piercing bullet with an image of a cross would sell like hotcakes at Christian bookstores.
Daniel Defense posted the controversial image to Twitter on May 16. The next week, the 18-year-old gunman used a Daniel Defense DDM4 Rifle to gun down 19 children and two teachers at the elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.
The gun manufacturer is beneath contempt. The parents who allowed their toddler to hold a weapon of war in his tiny hands in the advertisement are beneath contempt. Those who think thoughts and prayers and armed teachers are the answer are beneath contempt.
Shortly after the school shooting, Daniel Defense deleted their offensive tweet, but the damage has been done, and the gun merchant must be held accountable.